Hermeneutics (pronounced "hr·muh·noo·tuhks") introduces the best practice methods to interpret biblical passages in their historical, cultural, grammatical, and theological context. The student will be instructed in the Inductive Bible Study method and learn to apply this method to the major Biblical genres.
Worldview, Humanity & Sin
This course introduces the Christian understanding of humanity, sin, gender, a brief history of Christianity, an overview of the major worldviews present in American culture and a brief guide of how to effectively interact with them. The purpose of the course is to provide students with sufficient understanding of their Christian Worldview and how that worldview affects their interactions with people of differing views. The end goal is the ability of the student to effectively explain/defend their Christian worldview and love those of differing worldviews in a Christ honoring manner.
Unbound - Certify to be an Unbound Leader
Unbound is a powerful and thorough biblical counseling and discipleship tool to help people discover and live-out true freedom in Christ. No matter the struggle, from simple to complex, God's Word provides the only dependable guidance and help. 12-Steps not working? Try the Biblical answer that has helped thousands. We live our lives based on what we believe to be most true. And what we saturate our minds and hearts with is what we believe. By learning to saturate our hearts and minds with the truth of God's Word and its significance for our lives, we can change the trajectory of our lives from bondage to freedom and from hopelessness to joy.
Resolving Conflicts: The Art of Christian Conciliation
How does the gospel impact relationships? How does our relationship with Christ intersect relationship tensions? What is the origin of conflict? What is going on in my heart that leads to my struggles with gentleness or lack of kindness or intolerance of others? What is going on in my heart that leads to lack of patience and irritability? What does conflict do to relationships?
Church History
This course introduces the Christian understanding of the first through third century development of the Christian church, its influences, the early church fathers, as well as other significant doctrinal influences such as the creeds, and foundational outcomes for the early church. The student will come away with a basic understanding of the development of the Christian church.
Foundations of Biblical Counseling/Discipleship (New Cohort)
This course is an overview of current trends in counseling theory and practice, and the role of counseling — most specifically, Biblical counseling — in public, private, and church settings. Course Objectives: To equip the student to do the work of counseling (targeted discipleship) from a scriptural standpoint, to introduce the student to the knowledge-base and categories necessary to engage and evaluate secular methods of helping.