Become a Biblical Counselor
There is an increasing need for trained, equipped, qualified Biblical Counselors.

The challenges and idolatrous habits we and others form can be stifling, overwhelming, and even traumatic. We have a God who gets this and has provided His Word to help us navigate through these times.
Biblical Counseling, simply put, is targeted discipleship in another's life for a season. While all believers are called to encourage and disciple each other (1 Thess. 5:12-18, Romans 12:2-16), Biblical Counselors are equipped to pour out the Truth of God’s Word in intentional and meaningful ways, helping one person at a time, while strengthening the Body as a whole. Training in Biblical Counseling also provides a wonderful opportunity to grow in your own relationship with God.
Is it possible God is calling you to respond to this need in a deeper way? Join our growing team of caring, knowledgeable, and intentional discipleship one-anothering.